Term trading hours
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.00am–9.15am
Closed: Public holidays and pupil free days. Subject to change without notice.
Note: we also open on certain days during the week prior to Term 1 commencing. Please check website for dates and times.
Phone: (07) 3906 6474
The uniform shop, located near the Arena, is managed by our P&C Association who endorse the wearing of the Formal School Uniform everyday with the exception of Physical Education days. On these days the P.E. Sports Uniform is acceptable. House Shirts may only be worn on designated Sports Carnival Days. School hats MUST be worn at all times when outdoors.
Uniforms may be purchased during set trading hours (above). Alternatively,
you may complete an Order Form and return via email or with your child. Please refer to the
Price list and order form (PDF, 160 KB) for a detailed list of stocked items and payment methods.
We welcome donations of second-hand items, which are then laundered and priced accordingly prior to sale. The P&C Association also offer a Consignment Service for selling pre-loved uniforms. Please refer to the
Consignment form (PDF, 135KB) for more information. Please note: second-hand and consignment uniforms are on a first-in first-served basis and unfortunately, we are not able to place these items on hold.
Formal Uniform
- Worn 3-4 days depending on year level
- Wondall Hat (Prep = Gold, Years 1-6 = Navy)
- Formal Shirt with Formal Culottes/Formal Shorts (or Formal Dress)
- ALL Black Shoes
- Navy Socks
PE Sports Uniform
- Worn on set P.E. days and intershool sport days
- Wondall Hat (Prep = Gold, Years 1-6 = Navy)
- Wondall Sports Polo Shirt
- Wondall Sports Shorts (or Formal Culottes/Formal Shorts)
- Navy Socks (or White Socks)
- Joggers
Sports Carnival Uniform
- Cross Country, Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival etc.
- Wondall Hat (Prep = Gold, Years 1-6 = Navy)
- House Shirt: Romans/Spartans/Trojans/Vikings (or Wondall Sports Polo Shirt)
- Wondall Sports Shorts (or Formal Culottes/Formal Shorts)
- Navy Socks (or White Socks)
- Joggers
- No hoods permitted
- Wondall Zip Jacket
- Wondall Pullover Jumper
- Navy Blue Zip Jumper
- Navy Tracksuit Pants (not available from uniform shop)
- Navy Leggings (not available from uniform shop)
- Wondall School Backpack (lifetime warranty)
- Library Bags
- Swim Caps
- Googles
- Hair Accessories
Helpful Hints
Name everything, clearly. Obviously, all students wear the same uniform and unless every item is named we cannot be 100% sure who it belongs to. We suggest you name each item clearly in two places using fabric markers or sew on labels. Items that need to be named include:
- formal shirts
- formal culottes
- formal shorts
- dresses
- sports polo shirts
- sports shorts
- house shirts
- jumpers
- hats
- school backpacks
- swimming bags
- library bags
- homework folders
- lunchboxes
- drink bottles
- shoes
- anything else you can think of.
Lost Items
Lost Property is located under C Block near the arena. Don’t forget to also check your child’s classroom. If your lost item is clearly named you have a better chance of it being returned to you.
School Bags
To make it easier for your child to identify their Wondall Backpack, allow them to hang name tags or keyrings from the top of the bag. Remember, the Wondall Backpacks have a lifetime warranty and with proper care one bag can last them their entire primary school experience.
How many uniforms should I purchase?
This depends on time and budget. If you have the time to wash and dry mid-week you might find two or three formal sets and one sports set is adequate. However, if you prefer to wash just once a week then four formal sets and one sports set may suit your family better.
contact us by phone or email.